Funding Options At GLT

Thinking about what kinds of funding are on offer is important when you're looking at courses...

Different types of funding support is available depending on what kind of course you're interested in and we're here to help you find the best option for you!

Advanced Learner Loan/ Bursary 

Advanced Learner Loan - 

Advanced Learner Loans are an alternative way for our 19+ learners to fund a course or qualification! The loans are funded by the UK Government and you won’t have to pay anything back until your income is over £27,295 per year. Click here for more information about how to apply!

Bursary Fund - 

You may apply to get money from the Loan Bursary Fund after you’ve received a letter approving your Advanced Learner Loan.

The money can help pay for things like:

  • Accommodation and travel
  • Course materials and equipment
  • Childcare
  • Classroom assistance for a disability or learning difficulty - once you’re assessed by your college or training provider

How to Apply -

Apply to your college or training provider - each one has its own application process. How much you get depends on the provider’s scheme and your circumstances.

Speak to student services if you need support with your application.

How the Money is Paid -

Your college or training provider decides how the money is paid. You’ll normally be paid direct. You might be able to arrange for the money to be paid to someone else instead, for example your landlord or childcare provider.

In some situations fund money must be paid back. This is generally if you’re a student experiencing a temporary financial difficulty and need a loan, for example for help with your mortgage or rent.

Eligibility -

You can apply even if you get other types of funding, for example:

  • Professional and Career Development Loans
  • Disability Living Allowance

You cannot apply if you’re:

16-19 Tuition Fund

Green Labyrinth has received funding from 16 to 19 funding: 16 to 19 tuition fund. The funding is being provided to support small group tuition for 16 to 19 students in English, maths, and other courses where learning has been disrupted due to Covid-19.

Green Labyrinth will use this funding to provide small group tuition in English & Maths for full-time learners:

This will be offered to GCSE English learners, learners with low engagement or attendance, SEND learners and LACs with a focus on exam practice.

121 and transition lessons are also timetabled for all subjects in order for this funding to be available to eligible learners if the need arises in the academic year.