Appeals Procedure


Green Inc is committed to ensuring that all learners are treated fairly and are provided with the opportunity to appeal should they disagree with their assessment in line with the scope outlined below.  All learners are to be provided with a copy of the Internal Appeals Procedure as part of their Induction.  Learners will also be made aware of the Awarding Organisation’s Appeals procedure and how to access it as part of their Induction.

All Teachers, Teaching Assistants, WBL Consultants and Internal Quality Assurers approved to deliver and verify qualifications with Green Inc are aware of this Policy and Procedure and understand the learner’s right to appeal against unfair assessment decisions or processes that may disadvantage progression.


  • To clearly define the learner appeals system for all parties involved in the delivery of qualifications at Green Labyrinth including Apprenticeship programmes, taught programmes,  professional qualifications and commercial non accredited programmes.

  • To identify the direction and ultimate destination of any appeal.

Awarding Organisation requirements state that learners shall have access to fair and reliable assessment in which they play a full part. Green Labyrinth wishes this process to be meaningful and transparent. The learner must have the right of appeal against assessment decisions and processes, which are unclear or seem to be unfair.  This applies to all qualifications and assessments delivered by Green Inc and includes assessment planning, the assessment process and assessment decisions.


Our appeals procedure provides for an appropriate audit trail of the process and will be clearly logged with concise detailed information at each stage.  The stages to be followed are set out below


Where there are issues or disputes relating to planning, an assessment process or an assessment decision, the learner should raise the issue with their WBL Consultant, Teacher or Teaching Assistant during/at the end of an assessment session or within 7 working days of the assessment session.  In the case of graded written assessments the learner should raise the issue with their WBL Consultant, Teacher or Teaching Assistant  when they receive their graded feedback or within 7 working days of the receipt of the assessment decision.

The WBL Consultant, Teacher or Teaching Assistant must reconsider the reason underpinning their decision and provide clear feedback. If the WBL Consultant, Teacher or Teaching Assistant is upholding the original assessment decision, then the learner must be provided with full information describing why the decision is upheld and if relevant what is required to demonstrate their knowledge or skill. This should be provided in writing and relate specifically to the standards relevant to the assessment decision.

If the learner remains dissatisfied with the decision, the appeal proceeds to stage 2.


The learner should complete an Appeals Form (QP1a) which will then be forwarded to the programme Internal Quality Assurer.

The programme Internal Quality Assurer will review all evidence and assessment records in order to consider the appeal. A decision should be made within 5 working days and the learner and WBL Consultant, Teacher or Teaching Assistant  must be informed verbally and in writing using the appropriate section of the Appeals Form.  If the learner remains dissatisfied with the decision the appeal proceeds to stage 3.


The third stage involves the right of appeal to the Assessment Appeals Panel. The programme Internal Quality Verifier will pass all records to the Operations Manager. The Operations Manager will convene an Appeals Panel consisting of, for example:

  • • The Operations Director

  • • A different WBL Consultant, Teacher or Teaching Assistant

  • • An independent WBL Consultant, Teacher or Teaching Assistant /internal quality assurer.

Both the learner and WBL Consultant, Teacher or Teaching Assistant will be invited to make their case to the panel. The panel will reach its decision within 10 working days.

The result of the appeals panel will be final.

Details of the appeal will be made available to the Awarding Organisation External Quality Assurer/Verifier.