Behaviour Policy (2020-2025)

1. AIM


The aim of Green Labyrinth Study Programmes is to provide excellent education in a safe and supportive learning environment for learners to make a positive contribution to society and achieve economic wellbeing. 

This Behaviour Policy helps underpin the aim of Green Labyrinth vision and values


Green Labyrinth was built to serve the community in which it is placed. Accordingly, we are an alternative provision training centre serving learners in Swindon and Wiltshire. We cater for pupils of all abilities aged 16-19 (if 19th birthday falls after 31st August prior to starting academic year), 19+ learners requiring specialist provision with an Education & Health Care Plan.  


Green Labyrinth is committed to providing a safe and structured environment in which teachers can teach and learners can learn. This policy specifies the processes GL staff are to follow when dealing with and recording learners’ behaviour. 

In order to achieve this:

  • All learners and staff will be treated with unconditional positive regard

  • All learners will show respect towards all staff, visitors and to one another. Parents are expected to encourage their children to show that respect and support Green Labyrinth in how it disciplines and rewards learners

  • All members of staff help create a positive and productive ethos

  • All members of staff complete duty to supervise learners during breaks and lunchtime for learner safety and behaviour (Please see Appendix One for Duty details)

  • Managers need to help create a culture of respect by supporting their staff’s authority to discipline and reward, ensuring that this happens consistently within and across the centre

  • Every tutor and teaching assistant will be trained to recognise that behaviour is the manifestation of a need and therefore is a socially-askew problem-solving behaviour

  • Rewards and sanctions will be displayed clearly in classrooms and around the centre to ensure clarity and understanding from parents, staff, pupils and stakeholders of the behaviour policy

  • All rewards and interventions must be applied fairly and consistently and in accordance with the Centre’s Equal Opportunities policy.

It is important to ensure that this policy is read in conjunction with other relevant policies relating to:

  • Safeguarding (Q5)

  • E-Safety (SP13)

  • Anti-Bullying policy (SP10)

  • Attendance Policy (SP2)

  • Learner Equality and Diversity (QP20)


We will reward:

  1. Organisational Behaviours: Attendance, punctuality including Public Examinations, being equipped to learn

  2. Centre Community Behaviours: Behaving appropriately towards other learners and staff

  3. Wider Community Behaviours: Behaving appropriately in the local community 

4.1 Behaviour around the building

  1. Respect the centre including staff, learners & equipment 

  2. Stay within the centre boundaries, unless otherwise stated

  3. Listen to staff and follow instructions

  4. Arrive on time and ready to work

  5. Be polite; use acceptable language and behaviour

4.2 Behaviour during Lessons

  1. Respect and listen to staff

  2. Follow instructions

  3. Respect other learners, using acceptable language and behaviour

  4. Respect and look after the school environment and equipment

  5. Engage in the curriculum, lessons and work

  6. Self-manage behaviour

  7. Engage in the rewards system


The following will be acknowledged and signed by all learners:

● Attend college regularly and be on time

● Adhere to the in-class no mobile phone policy

● Complete all my classwork to the very best of my ability

● Wear suitable clothing and be tidy in appearance

● Be polite and helpful to others and show care, courtesy and consideration

● Behave appropriately in lessons and during exams in line with the Behaviour Policy

● Keep the college free from litter and graffiti

● Inform a member of staff immediately if I have a concern

● Adopt a positive attitude towards, and participate fully in, the life of the college

● Not allow people unknown to staff and learners in the building without prior permission (including

friends and family)

● Adhere to all Green Labyrinth Study Programme policies

*Please see COVID-19 addendum*


To support learners to progress towards becoming successful adults, they require appropriate guidance and praise. Praise is very important for all children, as it provides feedback and recognition of appropriate behaviour, helping them to see how well they are doing and what improvements they have made. To fully support this, we aim to build relationships and self-esteem by:

  • Positive verbal comments/praise

  • Awarding of house points

  • End of term and year awards and prizes; Individual and House

  • Certificates and prizes for good attendance

These rewards are for learners to earn, not lose. 


All learners will be assigned a mentor once they are on roll. Mentors & mentees must meet once every 2 weeks (unless otherwise indicated) to discuss, reflect and measure personal, pastoral, IAG, social & behavioural targets. Required staff will be informed of a pupil’s target for the term. Mentors will also be required to write a section on end of term reports about their mentees’ progress. Behaviour will be monitored between the Mentor and Behaviour Lead, in line with the Behaviour framework - Appendix two.

Mentors are to be informed of any positive behaviours or behaviour concerns displayed by their mentee through an MIS case. Additional 121 meetings can be arranged if required. Please use Mentor Meeting forms part 1,2 and 3 to record information.


All staff and learners will be aware of Green Labyrinth’s mediation process. It forms part of staff and learner inductions and it is displayed in every classroom. When a learner does not follow the rules and prevents learning, staff will follow the process to give the learner a chance to redeem themselves. 

*BE ADVISED - The mediation process is a baseline, each learner’s journey is taken into consideration and this may affect the outcome of the process*  


The Head Teacher, in consultation with the Head of Learner Services will decide whether to suspend a learner for a fixed term in line with this Behaviour Policy, taking into account all the circumstances, the evidence available and the need to balance the interests of the learner against those of the whole learner community. In extreme circumstances, an M5 will be issued and a learner’s place will be immediately withdrawn from Green Labyrinth. All learners who are withdrawn from programme will be supported to find an alternative placement.

Parents have the right to make representations to the senior management meeting about withdrawal of placement and the Green Labyrinth Board will review the decision. Please refer to our Compliments & Complaints Policy (SP6) for the appeals process. 

8.1: Extreme behaviour

In the case of behaviour which threatens the welfare of other young people and staff, the learner in question must be removed as soon as possible. Other learners in the classroom are to be moved to a safe point, such as the reception. if their safety is deemed at risk.  In cases where we believe that there is risk to the learner, we will raise an intel log with the police and/or social services if we believe the young person needs to be safeguarded. 

A Behaviour Case is to be written on MIS on the learner’s profile by the Behaviour Lead with details of incident and set to Stage 5. In most cases, the learner will be withdrawn immediately and must be removed from MIS and a Withdrawal Letter sent home. This is following approval of withdrawal from Operations Director. 

8.2: Prohibited Items

Any case of prohibited Items or substance use on the premises will result in immediate suspension and an investigation by the Head Teacher will be conducted prior to continuing lessons. Any case of dealing illegal substances on the premises will result in immediate exclusion (M5) and withdrawal of place.

Prohibited Items are:

  • Knives and weapons

  • Alcohol

  • Illegal drugs

  • Stolen items

  • Tobacco and cigarette papers (under 18’s only)

  • Fireworks

  • Pornographic images

  • Legal Highs

  • Drug related paraphernalia

  • Any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence, cause personal injury or damage to property

A Behaviour Case is to be written on MIS on the learner’s profile by the Behaviour Lead with details of incident and set to Stage 5. In most cases, the learner will be withdrawn immediately and must be removed from MIS and a Withdrawal Letter sent home. This is following approval of withdrawal from Operations Director. 

8.3: Physical Intervention

There are few situations in which physical intervention would be considered appropriate.  Examples of such situations may include the following:

  • When a learner attacks a member of staff 

  • When a learner attacks another learner

  • When a learner is hurting themselves or is in danger of hurting themselves

  • When extreme criminal damage is taking place

  • When a learner has failed to follow instructions and needs to be removed from the area due to the risk of the aforementioned points, we will inform the police via 999 or an intel log dependent on severity, to ensure that all information is up to date and all are aware of risks. For the safety of all staff and learners, we will keep local police updated and informed of all incidents and concerns 

Physical intervention, if required regarding the above situations, may take several forms.  It might involve staff:

  • Physically interposing between learners

  • Blocking a learner’s path

  • Leading a learner by the hand or arm 

  • Shepherding a learner away by placing a hand in the centre of the back

If all of the above interventions are ineffective then police intervention will be called.


This section should be read in conjunction with our Safeguarding Policy (Q5) and our Anti-Bullying Policy (SP10).

Green Labyrinth identify peer on peer abuse as:

  • Deliberate harmful behaviour from one learner to another; or a group of learners

  • Behaviour which is repeated over a period of time

  • Behaviour which is difficult for those being abused to defend themselves from 

Peer on peer abuse can take many forms but the three main types are:

  • Physical     - hitting, taking belongings, destroying property

  • Verbal        - name calling, insulting, prejudice remarks, threatening

  • Indirect      - spreading stories about someone, excluding someone from social groups (this includes cyber bullying through Social Media)

All staff in Green Labyrinth should encourage an atmosphere of mutual support, tolerance and an awareness of the effects of intimidation and bullying. Staff will model tolerant and supportive behaviour to help combat peer on peer abuse.

Peer on peer abuse should never be ignored and staff should employ discretion when dealing with it. Discussion with other members of staff in many cases is encouraged before action is taken. The Designated Safeguarding Lead should be consulted in serious cases.

Learners should be made aware that peer bullying will not be tolerated and although staff will endeavour to reconcile difficulties between Learner, serious peer on peer abuse/serious youth violence could lead to:

  • Removal from lessons

  • Referral to Child Protection Officer

  • Contact and meetings with parents 

  • Fixed term or permanent exclusion 

  • Involvement of the police

9.2: Charging

Green Labyrinth reserves the right to make reasonable reparation charges in the following circumstances:

  • Damage to equipment, property or premises

  • Failure to attend Pubic/External Examinations

Charges will be issued at the discretion of the Centre Manager on a case by case basis

In the case of charges being made Green Labyrinth will: 

  • Contact parents/carers to discuss the incident

  • Establish the cost of replacement/repair/fee incurred.

  • Confirm in writing the cost and charge to be made to parent/carer.

Charges will be made on the following basis:

  • All costs will be at a 50% charge

  • Missed examinations will be charged at the full cost of each entry

Non-payment of charges could result in further action being taken


Green Labyrinth’s Behaviour policy is continually evolving and as such the policy is reviewed regularly and circulated to staff, learners, parents and carers.  The policy is regularly reviewed by the Board.

When evaluating the success of the policy, Green Labyrinth will consider to what extent:

  • Achievement has been raised

  • There is consistency in the allocation of rewards across different classes by staff

  • Behaviour and relationships within the centre can be described as at least good


All staff should be aware that Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child allows children who are capable of forming a view, to have the right to express those views.  The Government Circular 10/99 also suggests that learners can help to reinforce behaviour policies by contributing to them. At Green Labyrinth we value and promote “Learner Voice”, which is filled out termly.  


Green Labyrinth advises a no mobile phone policy on site. However if a learner chooses to bring their personal mobile phone on site,  they will be expected to put it into a phone box in the classroom during lessons. Green Labyrinth will not be responsible for the learner’s phone and learners will sign a waiver to accept sole responsibility for their phone on site - appendix 3. This is in conjunction with the learner agreement and SP13 E-SAFETY policy.  


Green Labyrinth Duty: Details and Plan

Staff are to supervise learners inside the building in breakout areas and outside of the building during breaks and lunch to ensure they are safe and are not disturbing other building users. We are not required to supervise them beyond the Brunel Car Park or Faringdon Road. 

A member of staff will be on duty every breaktime, with a 2nd on standby if required. The Behaviour TA will also be available at all times. 12 walkie-talkies are available and will be divided as follows:

  • 1 in each classroom, 6 in total

  • 1 with the Duty officer

  • 1 with SP receptionist 

  • 1 with Centre manager/DSL

  • 1 with behaviour lead 

  • 2 spare for outside duty

Please use Channel 13  and record any incidents in line with the Mediation Process on page 5 of this policy only - Phone messaging WILL NOT be accepted. 

Duty will be on the agenda of staff briefing every morning. If a staff member is away, duty cover is to be arranged.






Dear Learner, 

Green Labyrinth adopts a ‘No Mobile Phone’ policy with all learners. This means that we advise that learners should not have their mobile phone on site.

However - if you choose to bring your personal mobile phone on site, you are solely responsible for it and agree to it being put in the classroom phone box during lesson time.

Green Labyrinth will not accept responsibility for theft or damage of your phone.

Failure to sign this waiver and being found to have a phone on site, may affect your placement.

I, …………………………………………………. accept the Green Labyrinth ‘No Mobile Phone Policy’ and understand that I am solely responsible for my mobile phone on site.

Signed:.......................................................      Date:.......................................................  

COVID-19 addendum 2020-2021 - updated 07/09/2020

At Green Labyrinth we realise that the current Covid-19 crisis has been a challenging and unsettling time for everyone and current government guidelines can change rapidly. Therefore Green Labyrinth promises to continually update policies to reflect changes and inform all parties. 

To keep staff, learners and visitors safe we expect all parties to adhere to the behaviour policy, including Covid-19 related anti-social behaviour, such as:

  • Refusal of face coverings in advised areas, if not exempt

  • Coughing on others

  • Refusal to social distance 

  • Refusal to clean down areas when requested 

  • Refusal to dispose of tissues/waste correctly

  • Refusal to take into account other staff and learners’ preferences

  • Entering other bubble classrooms 

Green Labyrinth sees these incidents as serious behaviour issues and will follow the mediation process, in line with the Behaviour threshold framework, which could result in a learner’s placement withdrawn if they are continual.

If a serious behaviour incident occurs in a bubble classroom, other learners will be removed to a safe point that is not occupied by other bubble classes, such as the reception area and the tutor will call for backup via the walkie talkies using the agreed phrase.