Recruitment and Selection Policy

Recruitment and Selection Policy (see Safer Recruitment Procedure for teaching roles)


Green Inc (eu) Limited is committed to a policy of treating all its employees and job applicants in a fair and equitable manner. No employees or potential employees shall receive less favourable treatment or consideration, during the recruitment process.

It is the Green Inc (eu) policy to recruit only when there is a valid requirement and to recruit the best individuals for the job, regardless of race, nationality, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origins, gender identity, marital status, disability, pregnancy or maternity, religious beliefs or age.

This policy must be read in conjunction with the Equal Opportunities Policy.

This policy applies to all recruitment of employees, engaged to provide services for Green Inc (eu) Limited, irrespective of whether the contract is temporary, internship, fixed term or permanent. In addition, this policy will apply to contractors for contract services.


1. Authority to Recruit

Prior to any vacancy being advertised a decision is needed as to whether the post should be recruited for. Options to consider should include:
 • Re structure the job itself and share between existing roles
 • Consider part time / flexible / outsourcing
 • Assess the departmental structure to assess the need for additional resource

2. Job Description

A job description outlining the day to day expectations of the role will be drawn up, for recruitment and selection purposes. The job description will include:
 • Job Title
 • Responsibilities
 • Salary (Where appropriate)
 • Job Purpose
 • Duties

3. Person Specification

A person specification outlining the essential and desirable competence requirements of the job role will be drawn up for recruitment and selection purposes. The person specification will include:
 • Qualifications
 • Knowledge required
 • Experience required
 • Skills required
 • Personal attributes required
 • Assessment methods

4. Advertising the role

It is the policy of Green Inc (eu) Limited to advertise all vacancies internally prior to seeking external candidates. Areas of internal advertising to be considered may include:
 • Internal email distribution
 • Intranet
 • Organisation newsletter

When advertising externally, the Directors and HR Manager must discuss the most cost effective method of advertising, ensuring that a good selection of possible candidates will be effectively targeted.  Consideration may be given to:
 • Professional magazines
 • Local / National press
 • Preferred recruitment agencies that conform to best practice.
 • The job centre
 • The Internet
 • Local radio
 • Retained speculative CV's (Speculative CV's will be retained by the HR Manager for 6 months)

5. Application Packs

Interested candidates applying for vacancies will be sent an application pack consisting of:
 • Application Form
 • Job Description
 • Person Specification
 • Information detailing the requirement to undertake a DBS check where applicable to the role.
 • Information detailing the requirement to produce proof of the right to work in the UK
 • Any relevant Promotional literature (Where appropriate)
 • Or applicants may be asked to submit a CV.

6. Selection of Candidates

There are many legal obligations on the part of the employer when considering the selection of candidates. Interviews will be based on a selection of prepared questions, which reflect the requirements of the role, to assess candidates equally.

At interview or in a separate discussion, we ensure that an open and measured discussion takes place on the subject of any offences or any other matter that might be relevant to the position. Unless the nature of the position allows Green Inc (eu) Limited to ask questions about the candidate’s entire criminal record, we only ask about "unspent" convictions as defined in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

Failure to reveal information that is directly relevant to the position sought could lead to the withdrawal of the offer of employment. Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar a candidate from working with Green Inc (eu) Limited, but will depend on the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of the offences.

Further in house testing, or assessment centres may also be used in the selection process. The candidate selected, must demonstrate that they match the selection criteria more closely than any other candidate. The overall aim is to match the right person to the job.

The purpose of the selection process is as follows:
 • To assess the skills and knowledge of the applicant
 • To assess the attributes of the applicant
 • To identify the strengths and development needs
 • To probe inconsistencies and details submitted by the applicant
 • Interviews are to be conducted by at least 2 competent interviewers.

All interviews will be conducted in private and in a place without distractions. Where appropriate, the candidate should be shown the environment in which they will work.

The interview will reflect the Company philosophy, observe legal requirements, be conducted courteously and give full details of terms and conditions of employment and benefits relating specifically to the vacancy at hand.

Where possible, the applicant will be told the outcome of the interview within 7 working days, or as soon as reasonably practicable.

Reimbursement of reasonable travelling expenses is at the discretion of the interviewer with prior approval.

7. Feedback

Upon request feedback will be given to internal and external unsuccessful applicants following interview. Internal applicants will be given feedback in person, detailing any development areas.

Managers who have conducted the interviews may require their notes to be photocopied and passed on to the candidate. It is therefore imperative that notes prepared are done accurately, and demonstrate a high degree of professionalism.

8. Offering the Position

Upon selection of a suitable candidate, the Directors and HR Manager will discuss the applicable salary, benefits etc. All offers must be approved by the Directors. A formal offer letter, detailing the main conditions of employment - including: Start date, salary, holidays, benefits, job description, person specification, contract of employment, and employee handbook will be issued prior to the employee commencing employment.

9. References / Employment checks

All offers are subject to:
 • Two satisfactory references (One being the employee's most recent employer)
 • Proof of right to work in the UK, or Work Permits (Where applicable)
 • DBS Clearance where the role specifies this is a requirement
 • Qualifications
 • Completion of a satisfactory probationary period, as detailed on the contract of employment

10. Employing Relatives

It is not Company policy to recruit employee's immediate family into a position where a direct reporting relationship exists.  Green Inc (eu) limited reserve the right to move employees in such cases, and this principle will also apply when consideration is being given to internal promotions and transfers.

11. Induction

The induction process begins as soon as the applicant accepts the position.

Stage 1 Induction

This process will take place on the employee's first day, and must be carried out by the immediate manager, or other competent representative.

Stage 1 induction will include the following:
 • Introduction and tour of the building
 • Introduction to all immediate work colleagues
 • Health & Safety guidelines to include fire drill
 • Tour of employee facilities
 • Introduction to the overall responsibilities of the job

Stage 2 Induction

Stage 2 involves a more detailed approach to training the new employee in the day to day activities associated with the role. Managers are expected to plan and deliver a step by step approach to learning the role and its associated tasks, measuring and assessing competency before the probationary period sign off. They will be required to set and review Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound (SMART) objectives during the probationary period.

12. Probationary period sign off

The Directors and HR Manager are required to complete and sign the employee's induction and confirm whether or not the employee has been successful in completing their probationary period.

Line Managers should liaise with the Directors & HR Manager if the employee is failing to meet minimum requirements as set out in the induction process, before the probationary period expires.