At Green Labyrinth, we have a full employability plan that runs alongside curriculum learning to support our young people to gain the skills they need to be successful in the workplace. In addition to developing their skills, learners also have the opportunity to meet employers, experience the workplace and continuous support to apply for opportunities. Here you will find more information on some of the key elements of our employability programme:
Skills Assessments + Workshops

The key skills we focus on in Green Labyrinth are communication, numbers, IT, self management, teamwork, customer/business awareness, problem solving, self awareness and self confidence. During their induction, learners will complete a skills assessment which allows them to assess their skills. Depending on their score, students will then be at one of the following three stages; root, stem or flower.
The level of their skills development dictates which activities they are ready for. For example, students who are at flower stage will be ready for a workplace whereas those who are at lower stages will be offered alternative provisions such as work shadowing or an employer talk.
Throughout the year, learners are invited to skills workshops which are in addition to their lessons and offer them the opportunity to develop each particular skill. Workshops are delivered by tutors but supported by employers where relevant. Learners can attend as many workshops as they like, for each they attend, they receive a certificate and are entered into a prize draw for a £30 amazon voucher. The more workshops they attend, the higher their chance of winning!
Our programme aims to support students so that at each skills assessment, they move up through the stages into flower; ready to flourish within the workplace.
Employer Partnerships
After their first year at Green Labyrinth, learners may progress on to a supported internship as part of their second year placement. In the past, we have worked with a range of businesses to offer these placements. These have included;

In addition to these placements, employers also support us with our skills workshops, employer day and mock interviews. If you are an employer interested in supporting our employability programme, please contact our careers team, Jessica Cook and Amy Marlow, at
Access to Guidance
Throughout their time on a study programme, learners have access to career guidance. Each student has a career pilot log in where they are able to research job roles, take quizzes and assess their skills. If their tutors feel they need guidance, they will be referred for a one to one careers meeting. Learners can also access careers advice by coming to the careers drop in which takes place every Tuesday from 9:30am-12:30pm in the Careers Office (G3).
Our virtual guidance sessions are with Jessica Cook, an independent Careers Guidance coach who holds her Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance and Leadership. On site guidance and Personal Development for Employability sessions are with Amy Marlow, Job Coach.
At the end of their time with us, learners will move on to a specialised college course (such as hairdressing, plumbing or animal care), an apprenticeship or paid employment. Learners are supported into this progression and will have meetings at the end of the academic year with our employability coach to help them transition on to their progression destination.